You can see the panels in the top-left of this photo |
I've tried to get onto the roof before but my requests were denied. Because of this, I can't give you any close-up photos or an assessment of the panels. I also tweeted to @CapParkRealty but didn't get a response. However, from Google Maps, I was able to count 48 solar thermal panels on the roof.
Solar thermal panels concentrate the sun's energy onto tubes with then heat water, which is then circulated back down to boilers and storage tanks. These are also known as "solar collectors" and may also refer to installations such as solar parabolic troughs and solar towers.This is different than photo-voltaic panels, which convert the sun's energy directly into electricity.
So since I couldn't get any up-close photos on the roof of the Park Tower, I decided to do the next best thing...a hand-stand selfie in front of the panels.
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