Feb 5, 2015

Emergency Call Station Powered by the Sun

I found this emergency call station near Navy Yard. There are ten of them along the Capitol Riverwalk Trail on the Anacostia River that alert Navy Yard security if there is a crisis. This is important along the remote path between the river and the fence.

I took the original photo back in mid-November (top left) and have had a tough time finding additional information. For a while, I thought it was under DDOT's jurisdiction but I learned that it was on the Navy's property. Navy's communication team didn't respond so I decided to do my own investigation.

I went back on January 31 and got some information from the back of the solar panel--somewhere you can always find it (bottom left). There, I was able to find out that King Fisher Company, Inc made this 2.5 watt solar cell kit.

Lessons learned: 
  • It's doesn't take a lot of watts to power a call station,
  • Call boxes can be installed by many different groups (universities, military compounds, parking garages, businesses, cities, counties),
  • For that reason, it's difficult to find information on an overall network.

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